Gallery Events
222015 |
Dave JewittRosetta Meets Comet 67PLocation: Slichter 3853 |
222015 |
Ed YoungWet meteorites: Asteroid hydrology as revealed in meteorites.Location: Slichter 3853 |
112015 |
John WassonTektites: Glasses produced by the impact melting of sediments.Location: Slichter 3853 |
72014 |
Alan RubinShocked MeteoritesLocation: Slichter 3853 This lecture will discuss the numerous impact features in chondritic meteorites and the information these provide regarding the thermal histories of asteroids. |
162014 |
Meteorite Gallery and other venuesExploring Your Universe (a Science Open House).Location: Slichter 3853 Instead of a talk on meteorites this month the Gallery is taking part in the outreach event Exploring Your Universe (EYU) from 12 till 5. The event is mainly focused on research in Planetary Science and Astrophysics. There are numerous exhibits and demonstrations and also wide ranging lecture topics occurring throughout the afternoon. Visit the EYU website. |